BPM データベース

Sacred Choral Music

「Sacred Choral Music/ウィーン少年合唱団」に収録されている曲のBPM一覧 (BPM ~1000)

曲名 BPM
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1: No. 1, Sinfonia 93.7
Requiem in D Minor, K. 626: I. Introit. Requiem aeternam 80.3
Joy to the World (Arr. for Choir & Ensemble) 81.9
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 2: No. 36, Thou Art Gone Up on High 116.9
Mass in C Major, K. 317 "Coronation Mass": I. Kyrie 80.1
Die Schöpfung, Hob. XXI:2, Pt. 2: No. 21, Gleich öffnet sich der Erde Schoss 88.6
Die Schöpfung, Hob. XXI:2, Pt. 1: No. 1, Die Vorstellung des Chaos - No. 2, Im Anfange schuf Gott Himmel und Erde 101.1
Mass in C Major, K. 317 "Coronation Mass": II. Gloria 133.8
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1: No. 2, Comfort Ye My People 89.3
Die Schöpfung, Hob. XXI:2, Pt. 2: No. 20, Es bringe die Erde hervor lebende Geschöpfe 86.4
Pueri concinite 83.0
Requiem in D Minor, K. 626: II. Kyrie eleison 96.3
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 2: No. 37, The Lord Gave the Word 98.8
Die Schöpfung, Hob. XXI:2, Pt. 1: No. 3, Nun schwanden vor dem heiligen Strahle 67.2
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1: No. 3, Every Valley Shall Be Exalted 101.9
Die Schöpfung, Hob. XXI:2, Pt. 1: No. 4, Und Gott machte das Firmament 129.8
Requiem in D Minor, K. 626: IIIa. Sequence. Dies irae 73.8
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 2: No. 38, How Beautiful Are the Feet 77.0
O Heiland reiß die Himmel auf (Arr. for Choir) 106.2
Mass in C Major, K. 317 "Coronation Mass": III. Credo 121.7
Die Schöpfung, Hob. XXI:2, Pt. 2: No. 22, Nun scheint in vollem Glanze der Himmel 116.4
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1: No. 4, And the Glory of the Lord Shall Be Revealed 183.7
Mass in C Major, K. 317 "Coronation Mass": IV. Sanctus 69.8
Die Schöpfung, Hob. XXI:2, Pt. 2: No. 23, Und Gott schuf den Menschen nach seinem Ebenbilde 175.1
The First Noel (Arr. for Choir & Strings) 102.9
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 2: No. 39, Their Sound Is Gone Out into All Lands 110.3
Requiem in D Minor, K. 626: IIIb. Sequence. Tuba mirum 132.3
Die Schöpfung, Hob. XXI:2, Pt. 1: No. 5, Mit Staunen sieht das Wunderwerk 95.7
Die Schöpfung, Hob. XXI:2, Pt. 1: No. 6, Es sammle sich das Wasser 112.6
Mass in C Major, K. 317 "Coronation Mass": V. Benedictus 177.0
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1: No. 5, Thus Saith the Lord of Hosts 96.6
Requiem in D Minor, K. 626: IIIc. Sequence. Rex tremendae majestatis 90.2
Die Schöpfung, Hob. XXI:2, Pt. 2: No. 24, Mit Wurd' und Hoheit angetan 104.0
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 2: No. 40, Why Do the Nations So Furiously Rage Together 141.8
Vom Himmel hoch, da komm ich her (Arr. for Choir & Brass Ensemble) 124.2
Die Schöpfung, Hob. XXI:2, Pt. 1: No. 7, Rollend in schäumenden Wellen 67.3
Mass in C Major, K. 317 "Coronation Mass": VI. Agnus Dei 97.4
Requiem in D Minor, K. 626: IIId. Sequence. Recordare, Jesu pie 81.1
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 2: No. 41, Let Us Break Their Bonds Asunder 110.0
Die Schöpfung, Hob. XXI:2, Pt. 2: No. 25, Und Gott sah jedes Ding, was er gemacht hatte 118.7
O du Fröhliche (Arr. for Choir) 58.4
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1: No. 6, But Who May Abide the Day of His Coming? 90.7
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 2: No. 42, He That Dwelleth in Heaven 0.0
Die Schöpfung, Hob. XXI:2, Pt. 1: No. 8, Es bringe die Erde Gras hervor 81.5
Maria durch ein Dornwald ging (Arr. for Solo Voice & Organ) 80.0
Requiem in D Minor, K. 626: IIIe. Sequence. Confutatis maledictis 80.4
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1: No. 7, And He Shall Purify 79.6
Die Schöpfung, Hob. XXI:2, Pt. 2: No. 26, Vollendet ist das große Werk 116.6
Ich hatte viel Bekümmernis, BWV 21, Pt. 1: No. 1, Sinfonia 62.4
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 2: No. 43, Thou Shalt Break Them with a Rod of Iron 119.3
Adeste fideles (Arr. for Choir) 114.4
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1: No. 8, Behold, a Virgin Shall Conceive 165.0
Die Schöpfung, Hob. XXI:2, Pt. 1: No. 9, Nun beut die Flur das frische Grün 120.2
Requiem in D Minor, K. 626: IIIf. Sequence. Lacrimosa dies illa 83.2
Die Schöpfung, Hob. XXI:2, Pt. 2: No. 27, Zu dir, o Herr, blickt alles auf 136.6
Ich hatte viel Bekümmernis, BWV 21, Pt. 1: No. 2, Ich hatte viel Bekümmernis in meinem Herzen 85.2
Es hat sich halt eröffnet (Arr. for Choir) 101.8
Die Schöpfung, Hob. XXI:2, Pt. 2: No. 28, Vollendet ist das große Werk 116.2
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1: No. 10, For Behold, Darkness Shall Cover the Earth 102.9
Requiem in D Minor, K. 626: IVa. Offertory. Domine Jesu Christe 91.4
Die Schöpfung, Hob. XXI:2, Pt. 1: No. 10, Und die himmlischen Heerscharen 0.0
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 2: No. 44, Hallelujah! 110.1
Ich hatte viel Bekümmernis, BWV 21, Pt. 1: No. 3, Seufzer, Tränen, Kummer, Not 89.6
Heiligste Nacht, MH 461 (Arr. for Choir & Strings) 100.1
Die Schöpfung, Hob. XXI:2, Pt. 1: No. 11, Stimmt an die Saiten 58.4
Ich hatte viel Bekümmernis, BWV 21, Pt. 1: No. 4, Wie hast du dich, mein Gott 72.4
Die Schöpfung, Hob. XXI:2, Pt. 3: No. 29, Aus Rosenwolken 88.2
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 3: No. 45, I Know That My Redeemer Liveth 104.3
Requiem in D Minor, K. 626: IVb. Offertory. Hostias et preces 96.0
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1: No. 11, The People That Walked in Darkness 72.5
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 3: No. 46, Since by Man Came Death 119.1
Tauet Himmel den Gerechten (Arr. for Choir & Brass Ensemble) 116.3
Requiem in D Minor, K. 626: V. Sanctus 90.1
Die Schöpfung, Hob. XXI:2, Pt. 3: No. 30, Von deiner Güt', o Herr und Gott 113.2
Ich hatte viel Bekümmernis, BWV 21, Pt. 1: No. 5, Bäche von gesalznen Zähren 101.6
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1: No. 12, For unto Us a Child Is Born 84.2
Die Schöpfung, Hob. XXI:2, Pt. 1: No. 12, Es seien Lichter an der Feste des Himmels 85.6
In natali Domini (Arr. for Choir) 161.1
Requiem in D Minor, K. 626: VI. Benedictus 91.9
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 3: No. 47, Behold, I Tell You a Mystery 99.8
Die Schöpfung, Hob. XXI:2, Pt. 1: No. 13, In vollem Glanze steiget jetzt die Sonne 109.2
Die Schöpfung, Hob. XXI:2, Pt. 3: No. 31, Nun ist die erste Pflicht erfüllt 71.9
Ich hatte viel Bekümmernis, BWV 21, Pt. 1: No. 6, Was betrübst du dich, meine Seele 89.4
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1: No. 13, Pifa "Pastoral Symphony" 97.4
Ich hatte viel Bekümmernis, BWV 21, Pt. 2: No. 7, Ach Jesu, meine Ruh 90.7
Die Schöpfung, Hob. XXI:2, Pt. 1: No. 14, Die Himmel erzählen die Ehre Gottes 105.8
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 3: No. 48, The Trumpet Shall Sound 116.7
Die Schöpfung, Hob. XXI:2, Pt. 3: No. 32, Holde Gattin! 82.2
Deck the Halls (Arr. for Choir & Chamber Ensemble) 168.8
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1: No. 14a, There Were Shepherds Abiding in the Field 135.6
Requiem in D Minor, K. 626: VII. Agnus Dei 109.7
Die Schöpfung, Hob. XXI:2, Pt. 3: No. 33, O Glücklich Paar 84.3
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1: No. 14b, And Lo, the Angel of the Lord 113.3
Es ist ein Ros entsprungen (Arr. for Choir) 82.3
Die Schöpfung, Hob. XXI:2, Pt. 2: No. 15, Es bringe das Wasser in der Fülle hervor 134.0
Ich hatte viel Bekümmernis, BWV 21, Pt. 2: No. 8, Komm, mein Jesu, und erquicke 79.2
Requiem in D Minor, K. 626: VIII. Communion. Lux aeterna 97.3
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 3: No. 49, Then Shall Be Brought to Pass the Saying 172.3
Ich hatte viel Bekümmernis, BWV 21, Pt. 2: No. 9, Sei nun wieder zufrieden, meine Seele 38.0
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1: No. 15, And the Angel Said unto Them 166.4
Ihr Kinderlein kommet (Arr. for Choir) 90.4
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 3: No. 50, O Death, Where Is Thy Sting? 186.2
Ave verum corpus, K. 618 76.2
Die Schöpfung, Hob. XXI:2, Pt. 2: No. 16, Auf starkem Fittiche schwinget sich der Adler stolz 131.3
Die Schöpfung, Hob. XXI:2, Pt. 3: No. 34, Singt dem Herren alle Stimmen 117.1
Die Schöpfung, Hob. XXI:2, Pt. 2: No. 17, Und Gott schuf große Walfische 93.1
Ich hatte viel Bekümmernis, BWV 21, Pt. 2: No. 10, Erfreue dich, Seele, erfreue dich, Herze 61.6
Tuet eilends erwachen (Arr. for Choir & Chamber Ensemble) 83.1
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 3: No. 51, But Thanks Be to God 98.8
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1: No. 16, And Suddenly There Was with the Angel 107.4
Ave Maria, WAB 6 132.9
Die Schöpfung, Hob. XXI:2, Pt. 2: No. 18a, Und die Engel rührten ihre unsterblichen Harfen 137.5
Als ich bei meinen Schafen wacht’ (Arr. for Choir) 85.8
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1: No. 17, Glory to God in the Highest 105.0
Ich hatte viel Bekümmernis, BWV 21, Pt. 2: No. 11, Das Lamm, das erwürget ist 94.2
Locus iste, WAB 23 112.7
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 3: No. 52, If God Be for Us 78.8
Die Schöpfung, Hob. XXI:2, Pt. 2: No. 18b, In holder Anmut stehn 112.1
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1: No. 18, Rejoice Greatly 80.6
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 3: No. 53, Worthy Is the Lamb That Was Slain 103.3
Once in Royal David’s City (Arr. for Choir) 75.8
Christus factus est, WAB 11 81.0
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1: No. 19, Then Shall the Eyes of the Blind Be Open'd 122.7
Die Schöpfung, Hob. XXI:2, Pt. 2: No. 19, Der Herr ist groß in seiner Macht 124.3
Gloria, Gloria, Gott in der Höh' (Arr for Choir) 93.7
God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen (Arr. for Choir) 81.0
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1: No. 20, He Shall Feed His Flock like a Shepherd 73.2
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1: No. 21, His Yoke Is Easy, His Burthen Is Light 78.2
The Little Drummer Boy (Arr. for Choir & Chamber Ensemble) 85.3
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 2: No. 22, Behold the Lamb of God 78.6
Es wird scho glei dumpa (Arr. for Choir & Chamber Ensemble) 79.8
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 2: No. 23, He Was Despised and Rejected of Men 84.8
Still, Still, Still 127.8
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 2: No. 24, Surely, He Hath Borne Our Griefs 97.7
Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht, H.145 (Arr. for Choir & Chamber Ensemble) 174.5
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 2: No. 25, And with His Stripes We Are Healed 99.5
Tochter Zion (After Handel's HWV 63 & 64) [Arr. for Choir & Chamber Ensemble] 117.4
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 2: No. 26, All We Like Sheep Have Gone Astray 100.2
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 2: No. 27, All They That See Him Laugh Him to Scorn 121.1
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 2: No. 28, He Trusted in God That He Would Deliver Him 109.1
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 2: No. 31, He Was Cut Off out of the Land of the Living 100.7
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 2: No. 32, But Thou Didst Not Leave His Soul in Hell 88.1
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 2: No. 33, Lift Up Your Heads, O Ye Gates 108.4