BPM データベース

Mussorgsky: Pictures at an Exhibition/Tchaikovsky: The Seasons

「Mussorgsky: Pictures at an Exhibition/Tchaikovsky: The Seasons/ミハイル・プレトニョフ」に収録されている曲のBPM一覧 (BPM ~)

曲名 BPM
Six Morceaux composés sur un seul thème, Op.21: I. Prélude in B major 77.0
Pictures at an Exhibition: Promenade 91.1
Pictures at an Exhibition: The gnome 112.3
Six Morceaux composés sur un seul thème, Op.21: II. Fugue à 4 voix in G sharp minor 121.3
Pictures at an Exhibition: Promenade 79.9
Six Morceaux composés sur un seul thème, Op.21: III. Impromptu in C sharp minor 66.2
Six Morceaux composés sur un seul thème, Op.21: IV. Marche funèbre in A flat minor 108.5
Mussorgsky: Pictures at an Exhibition: IV. The old castle 70.0
Six Morceaux composés sur un seul thème, Op.21: V. Mazurque in A flat minor 79.1
Pictures at an Exhibition: Promenade 84.2
Six Morceaux composés sur un seul thème, Op.21: VI. Scherzo in A flat 180.7
Pictures at an Exhibition: Tuileries 116.8
Pictures at an Exhibition: Bydlo 108.7
Tchaikovsky: The Seasons, Op. 37b, TH 135: I. January (By the Hearth) 71.3
Pictures at an Exhibition: Promenade 74.1
Tchaikovsky: The Seasons, Op. 37b, TH 135: II. February (The Carnival) 141.5
The Seasons, Op.37b: III. Mars (Chant de l'alouette) 73.1
Pictures at an Exhibition: Ballet of the unhatched chicks 86.2
Pictures at an Exhibition: Two old Jews 110.3
Tchaikovsky: The Seasons, Op. 37b, TH 135: IV. April (Snowdrop) 81.7
Tchaikovsky: The Seasons, Op. 37b: V. Mai (Les nuits de mai) 71.9
Pictures at an Exhibition: Market Place at Limoges 110.6
Pictures at an Exhibition: Catacombe 72.1
Tchaikovsky: The Seasons, Op. 37b, TH 135: VI. June (Barcarolle) 62.0
Mussorgsky: Pictures at an Exhibition: Con mortuis in lingua mortua 69.1
Tchaikovsky: The Seasons, Op. 37b, TH 135: VII. July (Song of the Reaper) 129.3
Tchaikovsky: The Seasons, Op. 37b: VIII. Août (La moisson) 106.0
Pictures at an Exhibition: The hut on hen's legs (Baba Yaga) 124.5
The Seasons, Op.37b: IX. Septembre (La chasse) 144.1
Pictures at an Exhibition: The Great Gate at Kiev 139.3
Music from The Sleeping Beauty: Introduction 65.3
Tchaikovsky: The Seasons, Op. 37b, TH 135: X. October (Autumn Song) 56.8
Tchaikovsky: The Seasons, Op. 37b, TH 135: XI. November (In the Troika) 73.4
Music from The Sleeping Beauty: Danse des pages 131.8
Music from The Sleeping Beauty: Vision d'Aurore 161.2
Tchaikovsky: The Seasons, Op. 37b, TH 135: XII. December (Christmas) 128.7
Music from The Sleeping Beauty: Andante 132.4
Music from The Sleeping Beauty: La Fée-Argent 127.5
Music from The Sleeping Beauty: Le Chat Botté et la Chatte Blanche 131.8
Music from The Sleeping Beauty: Gavotte 65.2
Music from The Sleeping Beauty: Le Canari qui chante 95.6
Music from The Sleeping Beauty: Le Chaperon rouge et le loup 107.8
Music from The Sleeping Beauty: Adagio 69.9
Music from The Sleeping Beauty: Finale 84.5