BPM データベース

#2019 Brainwave Sounds

「#2019 Brainwave Sounds/Study」に収録されている曲のBPM一覧 (BPM ~)

曲名 BPM
White Noise - Theta 82.5
Deep Theta Wave Relaxation - Loopable 66.1
Washing Machine Noise with Ambient Theta Waves - Loopable 132.6
Sleeping Easy with Pink Noise (Theta Waves) - Loopable 180.0
White Noise Delta 250-250.1hz 0.0
Pink Noise Delta 35-35.1hz 0.0
Hair Dryer Sounds and Binaural Beats for Relaxation 112.4
Pink Noise Theta 30-36hz 180.0
Delta Waves and Pink Noise for Relaxation 0.0
Zen Delta Waves 77.4
Calm Mindwaves 80.1
White Noise 0.0
Healing Sounds 79.0
Pink Noise - Delta 89.9
Soothing Brownian Noise and Delta Waves - Loopable 0.0
Inner Peace with Theta Waves - Loopable 90.0
Binaural Theta Waves 120.1
Pink Noise 0.0
Binaural Delta Waves 140.6
White Noise Theta 175-183hz 120.0
Pink Noise for Meditation and Inner Peace - Loopable 131.9
Ambient Mind Cleansing (Theta Waves) - Loopable 120.0
Pink Noise Delta 100-100.1hz 0.0
Falling to Sleep Theta Waves 35.4
Theta Waves for Peaceful Sleeping Patterns (Loopable) 180.0
Fading Brown Storms 59.9
Alpha Wave Halcyon 182.8
Theta Zen 172.7
Pink Noise Theta 125-131hz 90.0
White Noise - Delta 75.0
White Noise Theta 55-63hz 120.0
Brownian Noise Theta 100-106hz 90.0
Soothing Spinning Tumble Dryer Sounds (Loopable) 110.0
Sleep Deep with Harmonic Delta Waves 0.0
Clicking Fan 117.6
White Noise Delta 300-300.1hz 0.0
Loopable Soothing Ambient Hair Dryer Song 89.9
Brownian Noise Theta 50-56hz 90.0
Brownian Deep Relaxation and Inner Peace (Theta Waves) - Loopable 120.0
REM Sleep and Inner Peace (Theta Waves) - Loopable 63.6
Theta Waves for Sleeping Aid 78.8
Alpha Wave 10Hz Half Tremolo 167.9
Industrial Rain 157.4
Binaural Beats for Deep Relaxation (Delta Waves) - Loopable 0.0
Peaceful Binaruals 64.2
Fast Spinning Washing Machine for Sleep Help 75.0
Pink Noise Delta 150-150.1hz 0.0
Brownian Noise Theta 75-81hz 90.0
Deep Sleep and Relaxation with White Noise 0.0